profile Newsletter

Stand on Sacred Ground, Tips To Stay Cool, Wab Kinew and more on

Published 21 days ago • 1 min read

Driving home from Florida this morning while I write this newsletter. Well my wife is driving, and I'm riding! Who does the driving in your family?

It was great to visit with our daughter. She got us into a cast preview of a new attraction. That was fun to ride it before the general public. If you want to follow along with our travels, I'm posting videos on Tik Tok.

We also watched a new show with drones. So amazing to see Disney characters come to life in the sky with dozens of drones.

Have you entered today for the Pendleton Blanket? Remember there are entries that you can repeat everyday for more chances to win!

Looking for Pow Wows near you this summer?

We have added lots of events to the calendar!

Canadian and. US Pow Wows listed!


Paul G

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Stay Cool This Summer – My Favorites Products To Keep You Cool

Ready for Pow Wow Summer?

I know I am!

BUT….it's hot!

If you're planning to attend some Native American pow wows this summer, you're in for an incredible experience. Anyone who’s been to a summer pow wow knows, the heat can be intense. Staying cool is crucial to fully enjoying the festivities without feeling drained or uncomfortable.


Wab Kinew: A Leader Bridging Indigenous Heritage and Modern Politics

Wabanakwut “Wab” Kinew is a name familiar to many Canadians and all around Indian Country. Born on December 31, 1981, Wab Kinew is renowned for his work in numerous industries, including politics, media, music, and education.

I briefly met him at the 2024 Manito Ahbee Pow Wow. He has committed to hosting a special at Manito Ahbee for the next four years as a way to give back to the community. I'm excited to see a politician who grew up around Pow Wows. And he's a pretty good Chicken Dancer!

Stand on Sacred Ground: American Dakota’s New Rug Collection Celebrates Indigenous Artistry

In Calhoun, Georgia, there’s a modest rug mill making waves with its latest collection. This new line of rugs, called Sacred Ground, has a name that pays homage to Indigenous cultures. Available exclusively through American Dakota rug dealers this Georgia-based mill is not only creating beautiful rugs but also providing a platform for Indian tribal artists to showcase and sell their work. These machine-made masterpieces give buyers a chance to quite literally stand on sacred ground. Newsletter

Connecting everyone to Native American culture since 1996. Find Pow Wows in your state or province with our Pow Wow Calendar email updates. Get the latest news and interviews from around Indian Country.

Read more from Newsletter

So excited for our announcement about more live streaming! You can see the full article below, but the quick summary is that we have partnered with Young Spirit (World Champion Singing Group). The group travels most of the year to Pow Wows across North America. And they will be able to stream now as they travel. This weekend we'll have 2 Pow Wow streaming LIVE! A few people have asked about what emails I send each week. Here is the schedule. Monday's Newsletter - Includes Pow Wow Calendar...

about 21 hours ago • 1 min read

It's a good Monday and a great start to the week! Don't miss our live streams this weekend, we have some announcements coming later this week about how we are bringing you even more live streams. Just a few days left to enter the Pendleton Blanket Giveaway! Don't miss your chance at this beautiful blanket. Are you a business owner or want to start your side hustle? I started a new podcast about helping you achieve your business goals. Thanks, Paul 35% Off Pow Wow Stickers Buy Now...

2 days ago • 2 min read

Recently I published an article about what to bring to a Pow Wow. You can see the link below. Let me know what I missed. What do you recommend to people to bring to their first Pow Wow? And what should they NOT bring? Don't forget to enter our giveaway for a Pendleton Blanket and Pendleton pillow. Enter daily for more chances to win! Enter Now! We are uploading more videos from Gathering of Nations to our YouTube channel! Don't miss any of the videos! Thanks,Paul Help

5 days ago • 1 min read
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